At the tail end of 1997, The Enid released White Goddess, their tenth studio album. Unlike Tripping...White Goddess concerned itself less with dance/house rhythms or the current sounds of the day. In a sense, it has more in common with The Spell - a return to sublime instrumental storytelling and soundscapes, though with a greater sense of maturity in its composition, and less of the playfullness of their pre-Something Wicked output. This album sees the first credit for Max Read's Choir - an impressive (though undoubtedly laborious), multi-layered vocal technique he would develop in subsequent recordings, and which would become synonymous with the sound of the Journey's End trilogy albums.
After this, The Enid as a functioning entity was effectively put on ice - aside from the occasional live perfomances - for over a decade.
1. Prelude
2. Fantasy
3. Riguardon
4. Sarabande
5. Waltz
6. Ballade
7. Gavotte
8. Chaconne
9. Gigue
10. Nocturne
Grant Jamieson Guitar
Max Read Guitar, Bass, Choir
Dave Storey Drums, Percussion
Engineered by Max Read
Produced by The Enid